Sunday, November 29, 2009


IMG_6322When we’re working in the tribe,it’s always nice to be able to sit out on the porch in the evening and visit with people.  They come by to charge their cell phones and flashlights while we’re running the little generator for the lights, etc. inside our house.  Often there are no lack of tribal kids hanging around too.  IMG_6339One of their favourite things is when we get out our cameras and start taking pictures.  They love to look at themselves after the shots are taken. 


Bob (a fellow missionary who came to help on our house for a week), Erik and I had a little fun of our own this time around as we were snapping pictures.  They didn’t realise we were in the pictures until we showed them afterwards.  It made for some good laughs.IMG_6336IMG_6330IMG_6423

On a more serious side, we were able to get a lot accomplished this past week:IMG_6412  Christina’s water tank was installed  


The floors in her house were finished being urethaned

IMG_6404 We built a bodega (storage shed) under the one corner of our house to put all the supplies and tools as we start working on our house next


We poured a concrete floor in the bodega


As a bonus, we were able to move all the lumber in under the house to keep it dry while we mill it down

In December Erik and I will begin milling my wood to prepare it for building in January.  Please pray that we are able to get it all done without tools, machines, generators etc. breaking down.

By Chuck.

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