Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home- Our Canadian Home

It amazes me how fast time has gone by already.  We have been back in Ontario for 3 weeks now.  We have seen temperatures in the upper 20’s to as low as –6C.  What a contrast it is for us coming from temperatures in the 30’s.  We have gone from taking just a couple minutes to get out the door to taking 20 min just to get shoes laces tied and jackets on.  Praise the Lord we don’t have to put snow pants, hats and mittens on!

It has been great to see so many people.  We have missed our family and friends.  The kids have begun having sleepovers with their cousins and get togethers with their friends.  We have been to my sister’s hockey game.  We’ve had meals with friends.  Shared many meals with my mom.  And enjoyed many lunches with Grandpa.

We have been able to get bikes for almost everyone.  They even ride in the driveway with all this cold weather!  We are looking forward to family bike rides once the weather gets nicer.

We have been so blessed by the gifts from so many people.  The 2 biggest blessings have been a house to live in and a van.  Chuck’s parents have allowed us to stay in their house while we are home. 


We have also been blessed with an 8 passenger van to drive.  Thank you so much to everyone at Faith EMC and Lion’s Head Missionary Church for helping us to get this van.


As we begin April and look to what the Lord has for us, we see a busy month ahead with many appointments.  We are hoping to get all of Hala’s appointments done this month.  Plus we are going to be making a trip to NTBI Jackson for the last week of the month.  We look forward to being able to see so many of you soon.

We continue to make contacts with churches and individuals as we seek to share what the Lord has been doing through us with the Ga’dang people.  Our first speaking engagement is April 29th at our home church, Faith EMC in Wasaga Beach.  After that we will be kept busy speaking in different churches almost every Sunday through June.

We still have many dates available to share.  So if you would like us to come share with your church, small group, youth group or just you, please send us an email or call us.  or 705-429-3365

Please be praying for us as we travel throughout this month and the months ahead.

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