It's hard to believe that the school year has already begun for the kids. It's crazy to think about what grades the kids are in this year!

Elijah is in grade 11. He is working from home with the Independent Learning Center in Ontario. It has been a slow start for him as he is waiting on more books to arrive but once they come he should be able to move along without waiting on anything else.
Hala is in "grade 8". Many people ask her what grade she is in and grade 8 is what she tells people but she works at many different levels to be able to meet her special learning needs. It's one of the best things about homeschooling, we can use what best helps her to learn.
Kyle is also in grade 8. He just became a teenager! This is a more challenging year for him as the work load is greater. We are hoping that this year will help to prepare him for high school next year.
Charlotte is in grade 6! She just turned 11 yrs old and is growing like a weed. Straight up that is! I'm certain her legs account for more than 50% of her height!
Sophia has started grade 1! I can't believe she is old enough for grade 1 but she is. She is loving learning to read and is doing very well in math. She amazes me everyday with what she knows.
Jenna is just 3 1/2 yrs old and wishes she could go to school. We are planning to try her out at the village "daycare" like Sophia did. It really is like preschool would be but maybe even more learning involved!
Bea is learning all she can from the environment around her. She doesn't miss anything. She loves to sit with a pile of toys around her to play with. She also knows how to make a fuss so that someone will come and pick her up!
Chuck is back at language study full time. It was a process to get us all settled back in to life here but now the real work begins of language and culture study. He is thankful to have a couple men able to help him in this process.
Shannon, that's me, has had plans to get started in language study again but with needing to organize the house and then having my house helper sick for over a week, well it has yet to happen. Now that she has returned to work I am seeing the beginning in the near future.
Now the most exciting thing about this school year is that I am not teaching the kids!!! We are so blessed to have Lindy Meeker here with us to teach the kids. She has taught them so much already and much of it isn't in the classroom! The girls are learning to knit, cross stitch, draw and sing! They are loving it. Kyle has been enjoying having someone work through his science curriculum and now they are working on some more writing skills.
What a privilege it is to have our kids at home with us all the time. And to have an amazing young lady here to teach them.