Saturday, December 26, 2009

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Well, the 2 weeks before Christmas Chuck decided to see how much wood he could chuck, or well, plane down to size for framing!

There was a lot of wood to be sorted, cut to size and planed to the correct thickness.  As we have said before this wood is nothing like wood from Home Depot.  Some of this wood is very very hard and really wears down the blades on the planers and the circular saws.  Due to different circumstances, Erik was not able to make it back in to help Chuck in this process, thus his sharpening stone did not make it into the village either.  Chuck worked every blade he had until they could be used no more.  He was able to hire a neighbour of ours to help with all the work and it was such a blessing.

Here are some pictures of them working on the wood.


What happens after you run over the cord of the hand planer with the hand planer? Re-wiring!


It saves blades if you first clean off the mould and dirt that has become stuck to the wood.


This is the result of about 10 days of work.  Plus there is another pile on the other side of the house that has been ripped to size but still needs to be planed.

For all of you wood enthusiasts, it was almost 2000 board feet of lumber ripped and over 1300 of it planed to thickness.  Approximately 3150 linear feet of wood was planed, and the circular saws (He ran 2 alternately so he wouldn’t burn one out) ran over 5000 linear feet of cutting.  That’s a lot of wood, but we’re not done yet!

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