Friday, January 14, 2011

Jenna Lee #2 at 4 weeks

With our return to the village we have to stay in the town closest to our village for a couple nights as we prepare to travel in.  This has given us the opportunity to visit again with Jenna Lee #2, our friend Elias’ baby girl.  She is now 4 weeks old.



Our Jenna was very fascinated with the new Jenna!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Best Friends


You would never know that there is 4 years between these two boys.  Kyle is 10 yrs old and Ariel is 14 yrs old.  They have been friends from the first time Kyle went into the village.  Ariel has taught Kyle so many different ways to do things.  What a great friendship they have.  One day Lord willing they will be brothers in the Lord.  That will be a great day.


Here Ariel did a perfect back flip and then Kyle tried!  Guess it is something that he needs to keep working on.


Ariel has also been teaching Kyle how to pound rice.  Ariel says this is how you get big muscles!  Kyle’s desire for big muscles makes the pain of blisters on the hands not so bad most days!


Kyle has taught Ariel how to play Uno and Connect 4.  Although I think they were making up the rules for this game.  Maybe it was Connect 5!

Kyle will be sad when June comes and Ariel goes out to town to high school.  They will only get to see each other on weekends.