My co-worker, Erik and I were able to get into the tribal village to visit the people again and see the progress of our other co-worker, Christina’s house. It is a slow process, due to the excessive rains that have come even though we are still supposed to be in the ‘dry’ season. It certainly hasn’t been very dry. While in the village, a typhoon came through, right over top of our area. This is also an unusual occurrence, and caused some damage to the trail. The Lord watched over us though, and Erik and I were able to make it back out again. Pray for us as we will going in and out of the tribe more once we are moved to the town close to the Ga’dang people.
This is tropical grass growing along the trail. It is very tall, and sharp!
Christina’s house is starting to take a recognisable shape.
This ankle deep stream became a chest deep river overnight when the typhoon came through.